Yep, we’re working on the big PT this weekend. Milo has been showing signs of readiness for a couple months (telling me when he’s wet/dirty, taking off his diaper, wanting to sit on the potty, etc.) so we thought kick-start it with a weekend of training, and see what happens.
What has happened thus far is the toddler and mama camped out in the kitchen (due to several sprinkles on the living room carpet, ya know?), playing with toys, drinking watered down juice and listening for the timer that signals “potty time!!” So far, I think I’ve become better trained than the boy (and deserve those chocolate chips just as much as he does!) My cougar-like reflexes are kicking in and I can whip him mid-stream to that froggie soon enough to get to do the “Pee Pee in the Potty” rap/dance that we both enjoy so much…
He is getting it, though…ever so slowly. It takes time to train and strengthen those potty muscles. I know, I am pregnant and occasionally sneeze:)
Ah, well. The Superhero Squad is on the horizon, even if they do get doused from time to time in these next few weeks…I don’t think they’ll mind too much, do you?
Any tips for successful Potty Training would be much appreciated from you more experienced moms:)