<iframe frameborder="0" src="https://playlist.megaphone.fm?p=CTL9280674595&light=true" width="100%" height="482"></iframe>
<iframe frameborder="0" src="https://playlist.megaphone.fm?p=CTL9280674595&light=true" width="100%" height="482"></iframe>
This last week was a fun-filled family week! Scott and Amy are in town from Seattle with their little ball of energy Susanna, and they were pretty excited to meet Anderson cousin #1.Susanna has been feeding, changing and taking care of her imaginary baby Milo since before he was born. Needless to say she was super excited to hold the real baby Milo. It was such a cute photo op we just kept on adding on:
Have you ever felt like you were running a race you couldn’t win in life? Like there was always something more to buy or to achieve in order for you to feel like you had “made it”?In this book, I share how my heart changed and I began to find real, lasting peace, abundance, and joy through focusing on what matters most and disregarding the rest.