This week I’ve been in Salt Lake City, enjoying the beautiful mountain air and attending Alt Summit. It’s my third year, attending, and second year participating as a speaker. This afternoon I’ll be sharing all about my tips for Personal Energy Management.
For my talk, I used some of the posts I’ve written here about Energy, and framed them into more concise sharable moments. But I wanted to include all of the links to past energy posts here:
Energy is Everything Introduction
Creating a Personal Energy Profile
Eliminate Unnecessary Decisions
Tips for a Positive Social Media Experience -This one was before the official Energy is Everything series, but hugely impacts energy levels!
One of the unexpected themes that has come out to me as I’ve explored my relationship with my personal energy levels is that it matters just as much what I choose NOT to do, as what I choose to do. Balance in my life can’t be found by doing everything. And in all honesty, I don’t want or need to do everything! Instead, I need to be deliberate and thoughtful as I choose which opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences to include in my life, and which to willingly dispose of or discard as not right for me right now. Along with that, I need to dispose of the energy-draining guilt, disappointment, or self-doubt that may accompany those decisions, and instead focus on the energy building positivity of what I chose as right for me and my family.
I asked my dear friend and talent calligrapher Melissa Esplin to letter this quote for me to use in my presentation, and provide as a free printable download for anyone with whom it resonates. Click on the image above or HERE to download the print.
I’m excited to continue to explore these ideas and live more simply and happier! Let me know if there are any specific ideas or topics surrounding Energy Management you’d like me to learn and talk about.