This is my 500th blog post.
Pretty amazing. I had no idea when Dave signed us up (three point five years ago) that I would enjoy so much having a creative outlet in the ‘sphere. Since it’s inception, this blog has been an open space for sharing. It has morphed and changed just as the lives behind it, and I’ve settled into a comfortable, wonderful place that I adore. A project here, a recipe there, a funny story on the side…grandparents and great-grandparents stay informed, and old friends, new friends and simply passersby catch a glimpse into what it’s all about for us. For me.
I was trying to come up with some fun thing to talk about or give away on this momentous post. Then I realized there in absolutely nothing better than the news I’ve got to share:
This was the “special delivery from Miranda” that arrived on our parent’s porches last night! Turns out pizza is the most readily available deliverable item from across the country (and just a tip–Papa Johns will take the card over the phone and not require a verification in person.)
I am six weeks along.
I would cringe reading that in a former life, thinking “oooh, too early to tell! I sure hope it all goes well for her…” Having gone through the scenario of waiting to tell and having things not go as planned, I understand that I am much happier sharing the good news…and the bad if the case arises. Hopefully, we’ll have a healthy healthy baby in June, 2011.
We love to say around our house that a “sick mom equals a healthy baby”, and if that is the case, this little one must be thriving! It is both relieving and exhausting to feel nauseated morning, noon and night. Mostly relieving, and I feel blessed every day.
So, cheers to a growing family and ever changing life. To finish off, here’s a little walk down my blog’s memory lane, in case you missed some of the good stuff!
First post with a photo: decidedly shorter winded than now:)
Concord Top Ten: getting excited for our first move.
Cloth Napkin Pillows: my first project post
Vacation: It’s good for the soul
Blueberries: that we still talk about
Six Minute Bread: my first recipe post
Cherrios: the almost an announcement announcement
Actually Announcing: seems like so long ago!
Maroon Sweatsuit: still a favorite
Hugely Pregnant: isn’t it a beautiful thing?
The out takes: my respect for photographers grows
Reflections: a detailed birth story
A Picnic Done Right: worth a thousand words
Wonderful Wednesdays: a writing on the photo phase:)
Like Christmas: waking up with Milo
Finals: a photo panorama phase:)
A Shopping Story: still loving my cutters
One Little Moment: a muse
Project Repurpose the Wardrobe: on the back burner for a while
Little Helper: and still helping every day!
Date Night: Ooh, craving another one
My Write to Run: I’m addicted
Expecting Miracles: and seeing them, daily
Hope you continue to enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy writing it.
xo Miranda (and Dave, and Milo, and Junior)