We were 40 minutes late to church on Sunday. First, because we were all a little sick-feeling with snotty noses and froggy throats. Then because once we all took naps to sleep off the edge, and scurried around to get dressed up, these two looked so darn cute I had to take a picture. Which of course means that I took about 75 horrible, blurry, cock-eyed pictures while Dave and I both jumped around and made funny noises to get looks from Milo and smiles from Eliot. And Dave picked Milo up off of the floor around seven times in a row since he thought it was hilarious to slide down the from of the chair just as the shutter clicked. It was a circus, that’s for sure, but it was worth it for just one semi-okay shot of these cute brothers. I swoon over boys in bow ties. Especially mine. (And it makes a perfect drool-catcher for little Eliot, who seems to have been working on some teeth for the last six weeks.)
I was up all night turning a length of “Jungle Gold” 3-ply silk into a dress to wear to Dave’s company party tomorrow night. As soon as I have a hand to hold the camera I’ll show you. It turned out great…except for the color. Why I thought to buy greenish-goldish-chartruseish silk rather than classic navy or fun honeysuckle is beyond me. I think it’s salvaged by the clean shape and tasteful accessorizing. You’ll see what I mean. Get excited.