(Milo’s First Birthday party last year. Photo by SassaArt Photography. Do you love that Dave has a pen in his pocket? Makes me laugh every time.) |
Today Mister Milo turned two.
I cried during the blessing on our aebleskiver breakfast. Not because I am sad that he is growing up, I actually relish his progress and development. I think it was because I was hit by the immensity of my love for him, and how very grateful I am for the every day I get to spend with him. The way he has changed Dave and my life and our world is indescribable. You moms know what I’m talking about. He can get a smile and laugh out of us quicker than anyone else. He loves us back so freely and easily.
He is truly a fun person to be around. Even at two, I love hanging out with him as a buddy! He has a great sense of humor and this innate ability to sense the tone of a social situation and behave appropriately. He laughs when things are funny and comforts when someone is hurt or sad. He adores the spotlight and loves to perform in front of a crowd (hmm, wonder where he got that?;)
He is tall and thin. Never has had a chubby roll in his life. His red hair continues to draw compliments from strangers, and still the occasional “Where did that hair come from?” when they see my dark brown mop. He seems pretty coordinated. Recently, he has gotten into counting himself down to a jump from the coffee table to the couch, or to a long fast run down the sidewalk. He has also pretty recently become more interested in sports and takes a ball with him every time we go outside. If you ask him his favorite sport, he answers “Rugby”, which makes his Dad very proud (did you know Dave played rugby from high school through until after we were married?)
Milo is learning things so fast. The he loves repeating the alphabet. All except for the letter K, which for some reason he claps instead of saying. It’s hilarious. “H” “aich”, “I” “aye”, “J” “jay”, “K” {clap}, “L” “el”…etc. Don’t know where that one came from. He also surprised me a week or two ago by sitting down in the middle of the living room, toys strewn from one side to the other, and correctly completing a shapes/colors puzzle. He had played with it for months, but I always helped him get the pieces into the right places. Turns out he can do it himself!
He does a lot of things by himself these days: Climbing onto his stool in the kitchen to reach cookies and cranberries from the pantry. Hopping in and out of the bath at whim. Using the car key to unlock the car door (and then climbing into the front seat to drive…). Scaling the chain ladder at the park and then going down the slides. Putting on and taking off his flip flops. Taking off any other pair of shoes. Sometimes taking off his pants and diaper to run in and go potty on the potty. Scooping dirt out of the flower pots to throw over the balcony. Throwing the garden shovels over the balcony. Choosing food at the grocery store and putting it in the basket (which usually stays at the register:).
He loves to pick up rocks and sticks and then throw them.
He adores quesadillas, pizza, blueberries, apple juice, whipped cream, ice cream, rice, fish, artichoke hearts, olives, cheese, veggie straws and any type of cookie or candy.
He doesn’t like tomatoes or avocado.
Dave taught him to dip graham crackers in milk, and now he wants to dip everything in something. Yesterday it was buttered toast into his smoothie.
He has all of his teeth, except the two-year molars.
He has never really thrown a real tantrum, and doesn’t seem to be very stubborn. (thanks to Dave’s genes…) He is very adaptable.
He is learning about sharing and mostly does a good job.
He loves “Baby Eyeyai”(Eliot) and gives my belly hugs and kisses every day.
He is no longer a baby, though I still call him my baby.
And I might forever.