Thanks for all the info, chiming in, tips and experiences about diapering! I feel like I’ve got a few great avenues to explore before we go bum-broke!
Last week, while meandering in the produce, I passed a pile of dark red Rainier cherries. They hopped off the table and into my shopping cart before I could think.
Now, cherries aren’t the most toddler-friendly, stain-free fruit available, so I knew they needed to be used in a recipe, not just snacked on.
I did what I always do when I need a fool-proof recipe, I headed over to the search bar at Smitten Kitchen. This time I typed in “cherries.” Deb had a few great ideas, and the one that hit me straight away was sour cherry pie with almond crumble. Mmmm.
It didn’t matter that my cherries were sweet and not sour. Or that I wanted to make tart-sized pies rather than a whole pie. Or that Milo “helped” by eating 1/3 of the almond crumble before I had a chance to put it onto the pies…
I pitted all of the cherries using the pointy end of my meat thermometer cover (as suggested by one of Deb’s commenters) and it worked like an absolute charm. Then I followed the recipe, adding the zest and juice of one lemon to the cherries for a tiny bite of that “sour.”
The bottom crust was my all time favorite, never fail, Williams-Sonoma recipe, and the almond crumble topping a.m.a.z.i.n.g.
Milo and I had a wonderful time baking…and eating the dough, cherries, crumble…
And it was even better all browned and bubbly with some vanilla on the side when Dave came home from studying.
“Enough with the camera, already! Let’s eat this thing!”
And we did. And put the other 5 in the freezer to re-heat another day (but which have been ever so slowly disappearing as the days pass and the BAR approaches…honey…;)
…of course I set aside a cup of cherries to make the obvious: Homemade Cherry Garcia Ice Cream with good friends on a lazy Sunday eve.
I wonder why my baby weight loss has plateaued?