When I told my mom about my plans while chatting with her earlier in the day she said, “Who does that?” Well, I do! And Dave thought it was fun, though he joked with me that it is only a formality since I am certain that it is a girl🙂
For record-sake, here are the links:
Why it would be fun to have a Girl:
-Our gender set will be complete!
-We can think of girl’s names other than Olive
-We can borrow all Chelsea’s clothes
-Girls LOVE their dads…
-Ruffles & dresses & hair bows & make-up!
-I’ll get to teach her to be a good woman
-No fear, we’ll have one of each (and can be done whenever!)
Why it would be good to have a Boy:
-The airplane theme stays!
-Milo will love sharing his dinos and trucks with a BROTHER!
-3 boys and 1 girl is good odds for Mama!
-We only need two more to make a B-ball team
-We save tons of $$ on weddings
-Milo + boy can share a room a lot longer than Milo+ girl
-I’m pretty good at diaper changing a penis!