Dave’s little sister, Sarah, is heading to Pirua, Peru on a mission in about a month. She decided to go through the temple with the whole family in town after Christmas, since some of us won’t make it back to SLC for the big farewell. It’s such an amazing experience being in the temple with the family. Definitely reminds us of the eternal journey that we’re all on. I’d love to be able to have a family temple trip be a tradition of the holidays-even without an amazing new missionary to send off.
Beautiful bluebird days in Utah make snow adventures so pleasant! I’ve been staring at the sunny sky these past days-just soaking it in…New England is not so friendly! Dave, Rachel, Emmy and my mom and dad and I snuck up immigration for morning snowshoe jaunt…
So fun to snowshoe with the one you love!!
The girls (Emmy in Mattie’s baby blue pants-sweet style)
Back at the Anderson’s I let Susanna borrow my sunglasses for a minute, and she took them off, ran in the other room and came back with “my purple sunglasses!” So cute!
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