One of the best parts of moving to Austin was already having some friends when I got here. Like Dana, who I had known forever online, met in real life at Alt, and then became such good real-life friends with. She’s spunky and creative, and down-to-earth, and talented. I was thrilled and flattered when she asked me to come on as a guest to her YouTube sewing channel MADE Everyday to help teach how to make a simple pair of leggings.
If you’ve been a reader here for a while, you know that I adore sewing with stretchy knits (and even did a whole series about that!) So sharing my simple method for drafting and whipping up a pair of kiddo leggings was a fun thing to share. I went with an all serger method that uses a yoga waistband and a trick hem so that the entire pair of leggings can be made just on the serger itself.
Dana showed how to use an adult tee shirt and turn it into some simple leggings with an elastic waistband. Both are such great, easy methods for sewing for kids, and some of the same ideas can be used to make bigger leggings too! Also, if you’re looking for an adult leggings tutorial, I’ve got a great step-by-step here!
The setup for filming was incredible. I think there were five cameras on at any given moment, including an overhead camera that shows the materials and techniques from a bird’s eye view. The crew was super nice and understanding as I learned how to speak clearly into my hidden mic, explain simply as I worked through the steps, and smile a lot! The actual filming happened back in the fall, just before I went platinum, hence the throwback hair color. But the finished video was just released to view, and you can check it out here on MADE Everyday!
We clearly enjoyed ourselves, and I can’t wait to do it again!
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