A couple years ago I decided I wanted to be the sort of person who sent birthday cards. I love getting something special in the mail, and know everyone else does, too. Handwritten birthday cards are such a simple way for friends and family to know that I’ve been thinking of them. And not only are they fun to receive, but I’ve loved hand making the cards each year. I’ve done some fun cupcake cards, this origami money shirt card, and this year I’m loving creating these simple doodle handmade cards!
While I’m artistic in many ways, I don’t draw very often. Recently at a conference, I heard Justina Blakeney talk about doing “creative warm-ups” by simple things like doodling, or modeling with clay. I realized that while I don’t do it often, I really love to doodle! I adore a fine-tipped marker for the thinnest, beautiful lines, and making simple line drawings and designs.
I recently bought these Prismacolor illustration markers at Michaels and they have been perfect for simple doodles on my handmade cards. (Make sure to check out Michaels coupons for additional savings, in newspapers and online! They usually have at least one for 40% off an item, which makes shopping really fun!)
So, I’ve been using some handmade card making to doodle as my own creative warm-ups and a fun way to explore a medium I don’t use very often! Even my imperfect cards will be happily received by the birthday celebrator–especially with a gift card inside. So far the theme seems to be cacti. I can’t stray too far from my favorite things. They look especially cute with party hats on! And a cactus with a balloon tied to it strikes me as really funny.
I think the secret with doodling and drawing is letting yourself just do it. I try not to worry much about what the doodle ends up looking like, and enjoy the process of making something special–even if it’s quirky, it will always be unique!
Drawing is a perfect way to relax. It’s no wonder that adult coloring is so popular! It enables us to draw within the lines, without feeling like we need to be artistic. I’ve actually loved free doodling more than coloring as my own creative warm-up (but if you’ve been loving coloring you can click here and select “free pages” to download your own free Prismacolor coloring pages.)
I’m still using The DIY Birthday Book I made to keep track of everyone’s special day, and this year I’ve decided to send all the cards for the month in the first week, so I’m ahead of schedule rather than behind.
I haven’t sent January’s cards yet, but thanks to my doodling sessions they’re all made and ready to be addressed! I’m excited about setting aside some time each month to do make some silly doodles on handmade cards to send, and let my family know I’m celebrating right along with them on their special day.
This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Prismacolor, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #relaxandcolor http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV