My true love gave to me:
An outie!I was convinced that my deep belly button would not stick out, no matter how huge I got. I was wrong. It’s really funny, the skin all around the little “outie” is super super soft…the inside of my old navel flattened onto this bump. It’s definitely Dave and my favorite part of Milo’s home.
7 days and counting until the supposed big show.
Today the midwife told us that Milo’s head is down, and already settled into the pelvis. I’m 80% and 1 cm (for those of you who know) and he could come tomorrow—or in 3 weeks. At this point it’s all up to baby Milo. Luckily, I feel great, sleep well, still fit into some clothes, am busy at work and feel prepared for him to come…whenever that may be.
We’ll keep you updated!