My true love gave to me:
A hot bath every time I was tired, cold, achey, awake in the middle of the night, bored, uncomfortable, or feeling especially heavy. These things happen pretty often in this, the 9th month…I’ve taken 6 hot baths since Monday this week!
Packed bags. Well, as packed as they can be. I followed the list in my books, but still felt like I had no idea what to take to the hospital. I ended up with: a robe, two pairs of socks, two t shirts, a jogging suit to wear home, a swaddle blanket, a quilt, two newborn outfits, two newborn kimono tops, two tiny tiny pairs of socks, one pair of booties, one baby beanie, toiletries, a wipe case, a deck of cards and a boppy…we’ll see how that goes!
A new lease for next year. Yep, we’re moving from the amazingly beautiful and redone apartment (that we waited a month for last summer) into a little bigger, little older, little less vah-voom place that is equal distance from the law school (2 blocks) and about $500 less per month!! We feel like we have been very blessed and recieved unexpectedly quick answers to our prayers. We’ll sign tomorrow and discuss whether or not we can move our stuff before we head to Utah for the summer. If not, we’ll fly back in June to move.
Excitement, anxiety, questions, unsolicited labor advice, belly rubs, back rubs, and total cluelessness regarding the next two weeks—and then the next 50 years!!!
38 weeks down and T-14 days…