…but, Easter was two weeks ago!!
I know, I know. Life as a hugely pregnant woman, with complete baby brain, and a fantastically active toddler is interesting in the “try to get things done” category. I manage okay.
Especially now, because last night at 12 o’clock midnight Dave turned in his Final Final Paper of Law Schizzle and we are free from bondage!!! (okay, until May 17th when he beings reviewing for the VA BAR…but we’ve got to take what we can get).
So, even though I will be 34 weeks on tomorrow, I am happy to post my 32 week Bunny-with-a-Belly photos for you. Cute, eh? I’m loving how Emily is shooting during our chatter, and I get these hilariously candid shots of me discussing how big something (most likely me…) is, and how sometimes it’s a little weird to look down and see this round ball sitting on my lap.
This is the home stretch. My wedding ring still fits, but I’ve removed it for a couple days because it was causing a little irritation, and you better believe that this pregnant lady, with a toddler in my cart, was picked up on–get this– in the party aisle of my local Wal-Mart!
It went a little something like:
Guy trying to pass behind me, so I scoot as far as I’m able to one side.
Guy passes me and looks back, probably wondering why I was so inconsiderate to only scoot an inch, and realizes I’m pregnant.
Guy says, ” Woah, you’re cute as h*** (yep, I was in Wal-Mart) and pregnant, too!!”
I say, “Thanks, and yes, I’m pregnant.”
Guy walks about half way down the aisle and stops.
Guy turns around and approaches me again (somewhere near the balloons…)
Guy says, “Hey! I noticed you don’t have a ring on. Are you single?”
I smile and say, “Oh no, no…I’m married. My ring was just giving me a rash so I took it off…”(and I trail off wondering why I just said the word “rash” to a stranger…)
With surprising smoothness, Guy says, “Oh, I just notice you didn’t have a ring, and thought ‘Hey, maybe she’s single…I guess I’ll find out!'”
I smile and say, “Nope, married.”
Guy smiles and says “Well, have a good day!”
I say, “You, too!”
It’s hard to be flattered by a guy in Wal-Mart, picking up on a pregnant girl, with a toddler. But, I’ll take the “cute as h***” part and enjoy the surprisingly funny compliment in there.
That’s all.
Have a good day!