If there could possibly be something good about coming home from an all day CPR course to a wheezy, sad, runny-nosed baby who won’t eat, can’t drink well (for the congestion) and has a fever, and taking him to the ER after a few hours of deliberation and Tylenol…if there is such a good thing, it is the adorable gown that they put him in at the hospital.
I mean, really. How cute is this?
We waited for about an hour, then he was evaluated… temp still high, cough still thick, chest still gunky. Milo and I sat in sub-waiting to do a respiratory treatment (Dave had to wait in the waiting room. Luckily, the Ravens were playing!!). After the breathing treatment, which consisted of me holding a tube of medicated vapor close to his face, his wheezing had all but disappeared and he seemed to be having a lot easier time breathing. The doctor ordered a chest x-ray to rule out Pneumonia, which it did. Then Dave got to join us in a “real” room for about another hour for a second evaluation and finally a diagnosis of RSV with a minor ear infection. Joy.
After a day of fever and four hours at the ER Mr. Milo was loopy, sleepy, slap-happy. He wanted to sit then stand then grab the computer than eat the pulse oximeter then suck on the binky then toss the binky then kick his legs then stand up then lay down then talk then be held. We all got home and crashed. And, we all woke up a little coughy and congested. So, if you don’t see us for a few days, we’re quarantined.