Managing a household with three little kids and (and a new puppy) can feel crazy. Often times I’m scrambling to figure out what the best way to handle the next emergency, unexpected situation, or imbalanced energy levels as the day ebbs and flows. Through the last seven years of being a mom I’ve come to realize that there is a special formula to success that involves building a regular, routine schedule that everyone can plan on, and then being flexible enough to toss it to the wind when necessary.
A few weeks ago I went away to a conference for the weekend. When I returned Dave had implemented a bedtime routine that got all the homework done, play room cleaned, piano practiced, and accommodated three baths, three teeth brushes, and stories for everyone without complaining. I was floored, and grateful for a system that took the guesswork out of one of the toughest times of the day. That routine has become the baseline for our evenings, and works great. And on days that something doesn’t go according to plan–someone is sick, we get home late, or mamma is too tired, we are able to adjust for a night, then get back on schedule.
It’s made me consider what other things I could put onto a regular routine. Basically any healthy habit that we’d like to form, we can create a system for it and with just a small beginning effort, implement it into our life! And adding things to already existing routines helps create an easy reminder system. I’m partnering with Olly Nutrition for the launch of their new kids boosts supplements, which offer individualized blends to meet the nutritional needs of different kiddos. We’re pretty good about taking regular vitamins, and it’s nice to now be able to give each kid a unique boost depending on what their days have been like, what we’re eating or feeling like. Keep the daily vitamin habit routine, but the variety flexible. (Although all three of my kids want to eat the Bones type because of the fun light pink color!) Tummy is perfect for Milo who tends to have a more sensitive stomach, and Immunity will come in handy as the change of seasons wreaks its usual havoc on all of our systems. Also, I can pick them up at Target on my weekly (okay, maybe twice weekly) visits.
In addition to the launch, Olly is hosting a fun sweepstakes with some amazing prizes. Check out all of the information right here.
As I’ve been thinking more about building some more regular routines, I’ve remembered a few posts I’ve written that offer good advice. Obviously it’s a process and a journey, since I’m re-reading my own writing to be inspired! Here are a few articles that offers some ideas for simple routine and easy, healthy habits:
- Energy Management: an introduction to the idea of managing energy rather than time
- Minimalist Meal Plan: the ultimate meal routine (that we’ve been using for about a year now with huge success!)
- Super Foods vs Silly Foods: Teaching Healthy Eating to Toddlers
- Simplify Your Summer: with 3 easy ideas
My main idea is that I want to be present with my family, and I have a really hard time doing that when I’m trying to make decisions all day long rather than let some things happen as part of our schedule. The minimalist meal plan is a great example of how the entire family has benefited by flexible routine. My kids know what’s for dinner by the day of the week, and knowing what to expect has made their eating habits just a little bit better.
I think being able to mentally prepare for the meal enables them to have an appetite for it, and I very rarely get push back about dinner. More often than not I get excitement, which is a pretty awesome thing. It’s also nice, because I can look at what our weekly meals look like, factor in our regular lunches and snacks, and can tell right off-hand what supplementation we may all need (I’m looking at you omega-3). I read an article recently that made mention of this same idea of creating a routine and being flexible. (I would share the source, but I found it through Facebook and that place is a black hole of internet articles…so I can’t find it again.) Something that stuck out to me was the idea that without a baseline routine, nothing feels special.
If we don’t have a 7:30 pm bedtime, how will the kids think it’s fun to stay up until 8:30 pm? If dessert is daily, it might not feel as fun as if it’s a treat. When we have a routine, straying from it to offer a moment of whimsy, excitement, or spontaneity will be way more effective than if our whole life feels like we’re winging it.
I’m motivated to set in motion a few additional routines in our life, and stick to them for maximum sanity, health, and happiness. As the summer approaches and the structure of school schedules disappear for a few months, having a baseline schedule in place at home will ensure the best possible experience for all of us. And it will be so fun to have the flexibility to ditch it some days to make some unexpected childhood magic.(Don’t forget to enter the giveaway buy clicking the image below!)
Created in partnership with Olly. Thank you for supporting the brands that make this blog possible!