Milo has become quite a little man in these last seven months. Dave and I could not have predicted the fun that we would have as parents. Milo is still incredibly good natured. He is a great communicator and is always talking-laughs and squeaks for contentment and grunts and the occasional scream (actual scream) when he needs something. He does not like sitting in a dirty diaper, so we always know when it’s time to change him…I hope it makes eventual potty training easier:) He sits all the time, reaches far far out for toys and occasionally ends up on his belly, where he quickly flips onto his back. He has begun to pull up a little with support and loves to stand. He loves the computer and I think it may be his incentive to get mobile. I love that he is fitting into little sport socks and his pedipeds (I’ve been anxious.) They are so little boy. He’s also developed into a great little eater and downs the peas, green beans, squash, sweet potato, carrots, apples, pears, bananas, graham crackers, mum mums, whole wheat bread, and TJ’s ginger cats (you can see I’ve gotten creative!) He’s greeted regularly at stores by “Hey there Red!” And he is…fully red. I’ve heard the photos don’t do it justice. You Salt Lakers will have to tell us what you think next week.
Here’s to overtaking the monkey.