Wouldn’t it be nice to spend the summer at the pool?
Our apartment complex doesn’t have one, but there is a neighborhood pool down the street that we could join. Unfortunately, the membership falls outside of our summer fun budget, especially considering I’ll be in baby recovery for at least six weeks of peak pool time.
We did get to take advantage of the free pool day this weekend (you know, the one where they suck you in with how incredibly fabulous life could be, and then you want to join…even if it means eating rice for ten weeks straight:)
And, let me tell you- life would be incredibly fabulous! Milo was so happy and entertained playing in the water with a good buddy. They splashed and whacked each other with noodles, and put all of the chairs in the pool, then out, then in… Each was even brave enough to jump off of the diving board (with a little hand holding) to his mom waiting in the water.
It was also relaxing for me, and surprisingly, I didn’t feel like the small hippo that I usually do, even in a bathing suit! Something about the sunshine and the water and the brownies that Ivy had brought was all just so satisfying, I almost forgot how uncomfortable I have been as of late.
In short, it was wonderful.
(And we might eat rice all of August for a pro-rated membership…just sayin’.)
Mister Milo