I’m DONE! Oh, it’s been crazy busy. Nursing School is all-encompassing…and it’s over now! These last few days/weeks have been insane. Dave and I decided to move out of our apartment before May so that we could save the rent during our trip to Thailand. I had no idea how much work that would be.
Dave and I were up for hours the last three days. Packing, organizing, de-junking…packing, moving, storing, cleaning. There will be a fabulous yard sale in June-get ready! We’ve got everything in storage until we head out at the end of June. Of course, in order for us to move all of this STUFF into a new place in NH, we have to have a PLACE…
So, I spent all of last week in Concord with my mom. The goals were to get a lead on a job and find a suitable landing pad for our time back east. It was busy. I did have two great interviews and I also found a fabulous apartment. It’s being re-done right now, so I had to use my imagination, but I do believe that those 2×4’s will become something stellar. The last night we were there mom and I drove out to the coast and had fresh lobster. Once we figured out how to crack it open it was delicious.
Yesterday was Dave’s last day at work, today the weight of school was lifted, this weekend we’ll celebrate Dave’s 28th B-day (yeah, old-I know!) in Midway, and then Tuesday we leave for Southeast Asia.
Fun times! Freedom!