Drawstring Romper Tutorial
Austin has been gloomy for a week! It's way outside of our typical sunshine + cactus drill, and I'm feeling the winter blues. It was really nice to have the distraction of working on a …
<iframe frameborder="0" src="https://playlist.megaphone.fm?p=CTL9280674595&light=true" width="100%" height="482"></iframe>
Austin has been gloomy for a week! It's way outside of our typical sunshine + cactus drill, and I'm feeling the winter blues. It was really nice to have the distraction of working on a …
Since having a baby girl, I have been sewing a lot more for my kids. Ahem, kid. Her. Rarely do I use a pattern start-to-finish as it is written. Rather, I use my favorites as …
Dave and I decided that when Milo entered Kindergarten would be a good time to begin having him learn how to manage a little bit of money. We initially planned to just give him a …
Today I co-hosted an Austin, TX themed baby shower, and I was so excited to put together some baby potted succulent favors to give to the guests! Cacti and succulents for a major part of …
Around age three, my kids started coming home from preschool with holes in the knees of their pants. I have not idea how it happens, but almost every single pair of pants that the boys …
My good friend Laura Gunn sent over a preview of her new line called Vignette and I just fell in love with some of the gorgeous springy prints. This one jumped out as a favorite (probably because …
Growing up, Valentine's Day was always celebrated in our home with a fun, decorated family dinner (usually a breakfast for dinner). My mom would keep the siding doors leading to the dining room closed until …
A few months ago while visiting the library with the kids, I pulled The Night Circus off of the "librarian recommended" shelf. It looked interesting, and was easy to grab on my way out the …
Yesterday I posted on Instagram (@livefreemiranda) about how my sewing project of the day was to shrink a size large men's sweatshirt (specifically Dave's college rugby hoodie) into a Milo-size version. The whole "Sweatshirt Shrinkfashion", …
I'm a sucker for fabric. I think most seamstresses are. The problem with having a fabric love affair, is that I've begun to see anything that is made of fabric as just fabric itself. I …
Modern Punishment At one point the other day I thought a modern punishment of Hades--akin to those of Greek mythology with fruit and water eternally out of reach, or stones rolled to the bottom of the …
Right at the end of my pregnancy with Plum, I began toying with the idea of going platinum blonde. I was loving the just-past-shoulder length of my hair, which I don't real ever style and …